Banyule Planning Scheme reference documents for cultural heritage.
Completed Heritage Studies and Reviews
Banyule Thematic Environmental History was adopted by Council on 29 October 2018. It documents how Banyule has developed and how the culture of the area has influenced the natural environment, buildings and structures. The identified themes provide a framework to assist with future heritage studies.
Banyule Heritage Strategy (2013)
The Banyule Heritage Strategy 2013 was adopted by Council on 18 February 2013, after community consultation review by Planning Panels Victoria. It gives Council's strategic direction for heritage recognition and management.
Banyule Heritage Review (2012)
This review was undertaken for Council by Context Pty Ltd, the brief included a desktop review of previous heritage studies conducted in Banyule and identification of additional places of high priority for further investigation.
Banyule Heritage Guidelines (2005)
These address the following heritage precincts: Beaumont Estate, Beauview Estate, Glenard Estate, Ivanhoe Views Estate, Mount Eagle Estate, Marshall Street/Sherwood Grove/Thoresby Avenue Ivanhoe, and Warringal Village.