We require developers and builders to carefully manage excavation, demolition and building works.
A construction management plan (CMP) may be required for large or difficult-to-build developments.
The plan should account for all aspects of the proposed demolition or building works and include a construction management traffic plan (CTMP).
We require your CMP to include specific detail.
Use the subject checklists found on this page to ensure you include all the required information.
CMPs will only be assessed when accompanied by the correct supporting documentation, including:
Apply for CMP approval
There is an application cost of $250.
We will email you a copy of the completed form for your records.
Where necessary, you will be asked to discuss with us directly your proposed CMP. Your appointed traffic engineering consultant may also be required to attend.
CMP applications require a minimum of 4 weeks to fully assess.
If there is no related planning permit, you will receive your final approval within 10 business days provided all criteria has been met.
Work on your project can now begin, and your builder can apply for all relevant permits.
If you have any questions, contact the Construction Management team on 9490 4222 or at construction.management@banyule.vic.gov.au
Failure to to comply with our Community Local Law 2025 may result in an infringement up to $4,000.
If you have not created a CMP before, use the guides below to get you going.