Advisory committees and groups

Join a committee or group. Share your voice. Shape your community.

You can now register your interest to become a member of our new advisory committees and informal working groups.

These opportunities allow our community to provide insights, share lived experience and offer specialist knowledge to assist the work we do. Your input will be used to help make Banyule a better place, and to help us take important steps to support people who face challenges and ensure equal opportunities for everyone.

You are invited to register your interest to participate between 25 March and 22 April 2025.

Advisory committees

Select the committee title to expand for more information.

Banyule Environment and Climate Action Advisory Committee

The Banyule Environment and Climate Action Advisory Committee provides ongoing advice and ideas from people who care about the effects of climate change. These members are dedicated to keeping our environment connected, healthy and strong.

The committee provides technical advice to ensure our environmentally-focused work is informed by evidence and best practice. Members are diverse, passionate and knowledgeable, and are appointed to work constructively with us on environmental and climate action strategies.

Key objectives

  • Work collaboratively and respond to current and emerging environment issues.
  • Workshop with our staff on evidence-based topics relevant to strategies, plans and actions.
  • Support submissions on broader State and Federal Government policy.
  • Advise how we can better communicate, engage, evaluate and consult.
  • Support the assessment of our Environmental Grants Program.

Read the full terms of reference(DOCX, 77KB) .


We are seeking 12 members who represent our diverse community. Positions are voluntary and may be held for a 4-year term.


For more information, contact Lisa Conley at

Connected Communities Advisory Committee

The mission of the Connected Communities Advisory Committee is to promote respect, inclusion, understanding and unity. It guides our inclusive practices and health and wellbeing priorities.

Members will bring relevant skills, experience and passion, and are committed to upholding the rights of all people and improving the liveability of Banyule for diverse communities.

Key objectives

  • Improve community cohesion and connections.
  • Improve equitable access, with a focus on addressing barriers to equitable use of our services and spaces.
  • Build respectful communities and eliminate all forms of discrimination.

Read the full terms of reference(DOCX, 80KB) .


We are seeking 20 members who represent our diverse community, including members that:

  • identify as First Nations
  • identify as older adults (60+)
  • come from life stages from 16 to 59 years
  • identify as having a disability
  • identify as LGBTIQA+
  • are from Banyule’s top 10 cultural backgrounds
  • identify with characteristics consistent with low socio-economic status.

Positions are voluntary and may be held for a 4-year term. Champions groups will also be formed to interact with this committee.


For more information, contact Sherryn Prinzi at

Arts and Culture Advisory Committee

The Banyule Arts and Culture Advisory Committee has assisted us in the development and implementation of feasibility studies, strategies, policies and frameworks since 2009. The committee also participates in forums, workshops and sub-groups to aid the development of specific projects.

The committee provides us with formal consultation and specialist advice from arts industry stakeholders. It also enables community participation in the development of our arts and culture strategies and programs, as well as initiatives to celebrate our heritage.

Key objectives

  • Foster, value and promote arts, culture and heritage.
  • Identify and respond to issues.
  • Provide a consultative body, including major events and festivals.
  • Recommend uses and management of art, cultural facilities and infrastructure.
  • Recommend management and conservation improvements of the Banyule Art Collection.
  • Advocate for arts and cultural development.

Read the full terms of reference(DOCX, 71KB) .


We are seeking 15 members who represent our diverse community, including members that:

  • have a diverse range of experience and interests
  • reflect community demographics
  • reflect Banyule's geographic diversity
  • are representatives from arts and cultural organisations
  • are practising artists
  • are skilled professionals relevant to the arts.

Positions are voluntary and may be held for a 4-year term.


For more information, contact Hannes Berger at

Sustainable Living Advisory Committee

The Sustainable Living Advisory Committee, established in 2025, is uniquely designed to allow the local community to provide on-going input to us on a range of matters that contribute to improving liveability within the City of Banyule.

More broadly, this relates to themes around housing, shared use of open space and supporting well-connected, active and vibrant neighbourhoods that are well-serviced by local parks, shops, civic facilities and public transport infrastructure.

Key objectives

  • Work collaboratively to ensure we are informed of and can respond to issues.
  • Monitor the implementation of adopted strategies.
  • Provide input into reviews of related strategies and policies.
  • Stay informed by workshops on specific topics with our subject matter experts.
  • Support submissions on broader State and Federal Government policy.
  • Advise how we can better communicate, engage, evaluate and consult.

Read the full terms of reference(DOCX, 81KB) .


We are seeking 12 members who represent our diverse community. Positions are voluntary and may be held for a 4-year term.


For more information, contact Fae Ballingall at

First Nations Advisory Committee

The First Nations Advisory Committee replaces the Reconciliation Action Plan (RAP) Advisory Committee. It plays a key role in strengthening our engagement and support for local First Nations communities, as outlined in the Marrageil Strategy 2024–2031.

This committee provides advice on inclusion, access and equity issues affecting Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander communities. It oversees the implementation of the Marrageil Strategy 2024-2031, empowering Aboriginal self-determination.

Key objectives

  • Provide feedback on policies, plans, services and projects.
  • Advise on government initiatives, programs and reviews.
  • Advocate on behalf of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander communities.
  • Support efforts to promote diversity and address barriers to equality.
  • Offer guidance on communication, engagement and consultation with Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander communities.

Read the full terms of reference(DOCX, 70KB) .


We are seeking 15 community and organisational members, including representatives from:

  • Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander community members who live or work locally
  • Wurundjeri Woi-Wurrung Cultural Heritage Aboriginal Corporation
  • Barrbunin Beek Aboriginal Gathering Place Committee
  • Banyule Community Health Services Aboriginal Health Team
  • Reconciliation Banyule.

Positions are voluntary and may be held until 2031.


For more information, contact Zali Mifsud at

Informal groups

We have established working groups and champion groups for people who prefer to meet informally to share their knowledge and insights.


  • Consider local inclusion, equity matters and emerging opportunities.
  • Identify the unique ways how issues impact people.
  • Discuss the ways issues impact people in different ways.
  • Uplift the liveability of Banyule.
  • Share ideas on ways we can improve the liveability of Banyule.

Groups will provide advice to the relevant advisory committee on matters important to the group.

Working groups

  • Climate Action Plan review
  • Climate change adaptation planning
  • Biodiversity strategies
  • Environmental community grants
  • Urban forestry initiatives
  • Electrification and EV infrastructure
  • Integrated water management
  • Urban food system
  • Open space planning
  • Housing and population growth
  • Public realm and urban design
  • Cost of living

Champions groups

  • Age-friendly champions
  • LGBTIQA+ champions
  • Multicultural champions
  • Disability champions

Get involved

Join a committee or group