Have an item you no longer need? Use this guide to help you dispose of your waste correctly.
The guide can help you find the best place for items which:
By placing items in the correct bin, or choosing an alternative option, you can help us to get our community's waste sorted.
Kerbside bin: Recycling, yellow lid
Aerosol cans must be placed in your recycling bin. Cans must be completely empty before placing.
You can also take full or partially-full aerosol cans to a Detox Your Home event.
Aluminium cans must be placed in your recycling bin.
Most cans are eligible for the Container Deposit Scheme.
Foil must be placed in your recycling bin. Scrape clean, scrunch in a ball before placing.
Kerbside bin: Rubbish, red lid
Animal poo must be bagged and placed in your rubbish bin.
Kerbside bin: None, do not bin
All small and handheld appliances must be take to the Waste Recovery Centre for disposal. Learn more about disposing of e-waste.
Working appliances can be donated to an op shop.
Asbestos cannot be placed in any bin.
Visit Asbestos in Victoria for disposal options.
Ash must be cold and bagged before placing into your rubbish bin. Never put hot ash in any bin.
In small amounts only (about 1 shovel load per square meter), cooled ash can be mixed in with garden soil or compost.
Kerbside bin: FOGO, green lid
Avocado pips must be placed in your FOGO bin.
Avocado pips can also be placed in your home compost.
Baby clothes must be placed in your rubbish bin.
Baby clothes and items can be donated to 3081 Angels or most op shops.
Holiday decorations must be placed in your rubbish bin.
Barbecues can be included in a hard waste collection.
Barbecues can also be take to the Waste Recovery Centre for disposal.
Batteries must be disposed of at the Waste Recovery Centre. Learn more about disposing of e-waste.
Batteries can also be disposed of at supermarkets.
Lead acid batteries for cars and light trucks can be taken to the Waste Recovery Centre for free disposal.
Some auto stores also offer lead acid battery recycling services for free.
Bicycles can be included in a hard waste collection or taken to the Waste Recovery Centre.
You can also donate bicycles to The Bike Hut in Malahang Reserve run by the Openhouse organisation.
Blister packs must be placed in your rubbish bin.
You can also take blister packs to most chemists that participate in the Pharmacycle program.
Small branches can be placed in your FOGO bin. Oversized green waste can be taken to the Waste Recovery Centre.
Alternatively, consider booking a bundled brach collection.
Broken glass of any kind must be placed in your rubbish bin.
All building materials and rubble must be taken to the Waste Recovery Centre for disposal. Fees apply.
Car seats for young children can be disposed of as part of a hard rubbish collection.
Car seats can also be taken to the Waste Recovery Centre for disposal.
Cardboard must be placed in your recycling bin. Excess amounts of cardboard can be taken to the Waste Recovery Centre for free disposal.
Waxed cardboard and laminated paper must be placed in your rubbish bin.
Carpet can be taken to the Waste Recovery Centre or included in a hard waste collection.
CDs, DVDs, tapes and cassettes can be taken to the Waste Recovery Centre for free disposal.
CDs, DVDs, tapes and cassettes can be taken to Officeworks for disposal or they can also be dropped off at our customer service centre recycling hubs.
Ceramics must be placed in your rubbish bin.
Ceramics can be donated to an op shop if in good condition.
Drop off unwanted chemicals for free at a Detox Your Home collection.
Large Christmas trees must be taken to the Waste Recovery Centre for free disposal.
Small plastic trees must be placed in your rubbish bin. Larger ones can be included in a hard waste collection.
Plastic Christmas trees can be donated to an op shop if in good condition.
Small Christmas trees can be cut up and placed in your FOGO bin.
Small Christmas trees can also be taken to the Waste Recovery Centre for free disposal.
Cigarette butts must be placed in your rubbish bin. Be sure they are fully extinguished.
Book a hard waste collection
Metal, wooden and plastic clothes hangers must be placed in your rubbish bin.
Clothing must be placed in your rubbish bin.
Clothing can be donated to an op shop or taken to the Waste Recovery Centre clothing bin if in good condition.
Takeaway coffee cups and lids must be placed in your rubbish bin, even cups labelled as compostable or biodegradable (as they are unable to be processed by our FOGO machinery).
Compostable or biodegradable cups and lids can be placed in your home compost.
Loose coffee grounds must be placed in your FOGO bin.
You can also mix loose coffee grounds into garden soil or compost.
Coffee pods must be placed in your rubbish bin.
Some manufacturers offer recycling options:
Compostable packaging must be placed in your rubbish bin, even cups labelled as compostable or biodegradable (as it is unable to be processed by our FOGO machinery).
You can place compostable packaging in your home compost.
All computers and associated hardware must be take to the Waste Recovery Centre for disposal. Learn more about disposing of e-waste.
Working computers can be donated or recycled at Computerbank Victoria.
Cooking oil must be placed in your rubbish bin. Pour oil into a sealable container first.
Corks must be placed in your rubbish bin.
You can take corks to Dan Murphy's for free disposal. There are a number of other locations that will accept cork as well.
Cosmetic packaging must be placed in your rubbish bin.
You can also recycle cosmetic packaging at:
Plastic and bamboo cutlery (including chopsticks) must be placed in your rubbish bin.
Metal cutlery can be donated to an op shop if in good condition.
Dead rodents and birds must be placed in your rubbish bin.
Excess amounts of soil (including contaminated soil) can be taken to Wollert Landfill.
Small amounts of uncontaminated soil can be mixed in with your garden or compost.
Door mats must be placed in your rubbish bin.
Fabric and yarn must be placed in your rubbish bin.
Fabric and yarn that is in good condition can be donated to an op shop.
Fluorescent lights and tubes must be taken to the Waste Recovery Centre for disposal. Learn more about disposing of e-waste.
Fluorescent lights can also be dropped off at our customer service centre recycling hubs.
All food scraps (including rotten or spoiled) must be placed in your FOGO bin.
You can place most food scraps in a home composting system, such as a compost bin or worm farm or green cone. Meat can be placed in a Bokashi bucket.
All produce (including rotten or spoiled) must be placed in your FOGO bin.
You can place produce in a home composting system, such as a compost bin, worm farm, Bokashi bucket or green cone.
Furniture can disposed of with a hard waste collection.
Furniture in good condition can be resold on a secondhand marketplace or donated to an op shop.
Garden waste must be placed in your FOGO bin. Please do not put oversized items in, or your bin may not be collected. Remove all rubber bands or plastic from floral bouquets.
You can also place moderate amounts of garden waste in your home compost.
Gas bottles must be taken to the Waste Recovery Centre for disposal. A small fee applies.
Glass bottles and jars must be placed in your recycling bin. Leave metal lids on.
Glassware must be placed in your rubbish bin. If broken, please wrap glass before placing.
Grass clippings must go in your FOGO bin.
Grass clippings can also be added to your home compost.
Pet and human hair must be placed in your rubbish bin.
Kitty litter must be placed in your rubbish bin, including compostable or biodegradable litter.
Modest amounts of compostable and biodegradable kitty litter can be placed in your home compost.
Linen must be placed in your rubbish bin.
Linen can be donated to an op shop or animal shelter if in good condition.
Mattresses can be included in a mattress collection booking.
Mattresses can also be taken to the Waste Recovery Centre for disposal. A small fee applies.
All meat and bones (including off or rancid) must be placed in your FOGO bin.
You can place meat in a Bokashi bucket.
Unused medicine should be returned to a pharmacy for disposal.
Medicine can also be placed in your rubbish bin.
Mobile phones must be taken to the Waste Recovery Centre for disposal. Learn more about disposing of e-waste.
You can also bring mobile phones and cords to one of our customer service recycling hubs.
Motor oil must be taken to the Waste Recovery Centre for disposal (up to 20 litres).
Supercheap Auto offers a free recycling service and accepts used motor oil.
Napkins can only be placed in your FOGO bin if they are unbleached and uncoloured. All other napkins must be placed in your rubbish bin.
Use reusable nappies, and attend one of our workshops.
All office supplies (with the exception of paper and plain envelopes) must be placed in your rubbish bin.
Officeworks offers a recycling service for most office supplies.
Packing peanuts must be placed in your rubbish bin. Bag them up before placing.
Envelopes and mailers with plastic padding must be placed in your rubbish bin.
Paint must be taken to the Waste Recovery Centre for free recycling (up to 20 litres).
All paper items must be placed in your recycling bin. If any plastic is attached, please remove first and dispose of in your rubbish bin.
Paper items can also be take to the Waste Recovery Centre.
Small amounts of paper towel can be placed in your FOGO bin. Large quantities must go in your rubbish bin.
Paper towel can also be placed in your home compost.
Worn pillows and blankets must be placed in your rubbish bin.
Pillows and blankets in good condition can be donated to op shops and rescue shelters.
Pizza boxes, including oily or cheesy ones, must be placed in your recycling bin.
Plastic and ceramic plant pots must be placed in your rubbish bin.
Dead or live plants can be placed in your FOGO bin.
Plants can also be added to your home compost.
Empty plastic bottles and containers
Some plastic bottles are eligible for the container deposit scheme.
Plastic strapping tape and rope must be placed in your rubbish bin. Bag up strapping before placing.
Large hard plastic items must be taken to the Waste Recovery Centre. A small fee applies.
Soft plastics must be placed in your rubbish bin. Soft plastics recycling is currently paused in Australia.
Polystyrene must be placed in your rubbish bin.
Polystyrene can be recycled at various drop-off points across Melbourne.
Pots, pans and utensils must be placed in your rubbish bin.
Items in good condition can be donated to an op shop.
Printer cartridges can be taken to Officeworks for recycling.
Razors must be placed in your rubbish bin.
Receipts must go in your rubbish bin.
Refrigerators must be taken to the Waste Recovery Centre for disposal. They cannot be included in a hard waste booking.
Worn out reusable containers much be placed in your rubbish bin.
Containers in good condition can be donated to an op shop.
Rubber gloves must go in your rubbish bin.
Sanitary items must be placed in your rubbish bin.
Oyster, prawn and other seafood shells must be placed in your FOGO bin.
Shells can also be placed in your home compost.
Worn out shoes must be placed in your rubbish bin.
Shoes in good condition can be donated to an op shop or donated to the Tread Lightly program.
Shredded paper must be bagged before placing in rubbish bin.
Shredded paper packed into a paper envelope can be placed into your recycling bin or taken to the Waste Recovery Centre.
Smoke detectors must be take to the Waste Recovery Centre for disposal. Learn more about disposing of e-waste.
Solar panels must be returned to your supplier for disposal. They cannot be taken to the Waste Recovery Centre and cannot be included in a hard waste collection.
Steel and large amounts of scrap metal must be taken to the Waste Recovery Centre for disposal.
Steel cans must be placed in your recycling bin.
Stereos and all related components must be take to the Waste Recovery Centre for disposal. Learn more about disposing of e-waste.
Working stereos in good condition can be donated to an op shop.
Small e-waste item can also be dropped off at our customer service centre recycling hubs.
Electric string lights must be taken to the Waste Recovery Centre for disposal. Learn more about disposing of e-waste.
Sharps can be dropped off at our Greensborough customer service centre if packaged up in a sharps disposal container. Loose sharps will not be accepted.
Loose tea must be placed in your FOGO bin.
Loose tea can also be added to your home compost or mixed in with garden soil.
Tea bags must be placed in your rubbish bin.
Most tea bags can also be placed in your home compost.
Televisions and remote controls must be take to the Waste Recovery Centre for disposal. Learn more about disposing of e-waste.
Liquid paper cartons must be placed in your rubbish bin.
Some containers are eligible for the container deposit scheme.
Large pieces of wood and wooden pallets must be taken to the Waste Recovery Centre for disposal.
Tissues must be placed in your rubbish bin.
Biodegradable tissues can be placed in your home compost.
All toothbrushes must be placed in your rubbish bin. Electric toothbrushes must be taken to the Waste Recovery Centre for disposal.
Compostable and biodegradable brushes can be added to your home compost.
Most toothpaste tubes must be placed in your rubbish bin. Tubes made from number 2 plastic can be placed in your recycling bin.
Broken toys must be placed in your rubbish bin.
Toys in good condition can be donated to an op shop, 3081 Angels at Banyule Community Health or the Banyule Toy Library.
Tree netting must be placed in your rubbish bin. Roll up tightly before placing.
Tyres must be taken to the Waste Recovery Centre for disposal. A small fee applies.
Vacuum dust should be bagged and placed in your rubbish bin.
Take to the Waste Recovery Centre
All wet wipes including compostable and biodegradable wipes.
Large whitegoods must be take to the Waste Recovery Centre for disposal. Washing machines, dryers, ovens and microwaves can be included in a hard waste collection.
Most wrapping paper must be placed in your recycling bin. Paper that has glitter or plastic must be placed in your rubbish bin.
X-rays must be taken to the Waste Recovery Centre for disposal.
X-rays can also be taken to our customer service recycling hubs.
If you need more information about our waste services, please contact Customer Service on 9490 4222 or enquiries@banyule.vic.gov.au