Age-friendly Committee

The Age-friendly Committee provides us with advice and information on older adult issues and ageing well in our community. It also oversees our relevant strategic plans and is involved in our relationship with the World Health Organisations Global Network of Age-friendly Cities

Read the full committee terms of reference(PDF, 242KB).


  • Provide feedback and advice on our policies, plans, services and projects that have an impact on older adults.
  • Provide advice on government initiatives, programs and reviews that have an impact on older adults.
  • Advocate for multicultural older adults.
  • Help us promote the benefits of diversity and enhance understanding about the barriers to equality facing older adults.
  • Provide advice in relation to its communication, engagement and consultation with older adults.
  • Monitor the implementation of community plans.


The committee consists of:

  • up to 15 members
  • individual community representatives
  • 1 councillor

Representation on the committee will reflect the:

  • diverse range of interests and experience, providing a balance of perspectives
  • community demographics
  • geographic diversity of Banyule.

Our staff are not considered members of the committee, but a specific officer is assigned to the committee to provide executive support and will be the key contact for all members.

Community and organisational members

Committee positions are voluntary and may be held for a 2-year term. Representation will be sought from a recruitment process specified in the terms of reference.

The committee will consist of 15 members that:

  • residents who meet the selection criteria
  • representatives from community organisations, agencies and service providers that focus on local older adults.


For more information, contact Laura Cattapan at