Tobacco and smoke-free areas

Banyule Council is committed to limiting our community’s exposure to second-hand smoke and reducing litter.

We enforce smoking bans and the display, advertising and sale of tobacco and associated products.

Smoke-free Outdoor Areas Policy(DOC, 54KB)

Smoke-free areas

In Banyule, you cannot smoke* in:

  • enclosed workplaces, places you eat, shopping centres, licensed premises;
  • areas used by children and young people, including playgrounds, swimming pools, skate parks and organised junior sporting events;
  • within 4 metres of childcare centres, kindergartens, schools, indoor play centres, public hospitals, registered community health centres and certain Victorian Government buildings;
  • outdoor dining areas at hospitality venues, e.g. footpath dining, courtyards, balconies;
  • at food fairs;
  • or
  • within 10 metres of food stall and food vendors at organised events.

Restricting tobacco sales

We educate and inspect businesses to ensure that retailers comply with health warning signs, display requirements, tobacco advertising and age requirements, as per the Tobacco Act 1987.