Secondary program

The Rethink Centre is closed. On-site visits and excursions are not possible until January 2023. Necessary building works need to be complete before we can open our doors to visitors. Apologies for the inconvenience.

Book your secondary school for this program about packaging materials, making better environmental choices as a consumer, and minimising waste using the Avoid, Reduce, Reuse, Recycle hierarchy.

Students will participate in interactive exercises and view a working recycling facility.

  • Maximum capacity: 50 students
  • Duration: 1.5 hours
  • Cost: Schools in Banyule: free. Other schools: $465.10

Tour a material recovery facility

After we view the real recycling facility, we take a virtual tour. This presenter-led interactive electronic presentation explains how used packaging is sorted into material type by exploiting the physical differences between of each of the packaging types and the materials they are made from.

Students tour a material recovery facility at work via an elevated viewing balcony, and then return to our education room for a Q&A session about what they have seen.

Hypermart waste wise shopping

Students participate in a simulated supermarket shopping activity that tests their knowledge of reusable containers and recyclable packaging materials.

Material reprocessing

This activity explores how secondary raw materials return to the supermarket shelf as new recycled content products.

Meet our performers

Centre location, map and where to park: find out about coming to the Rethink Centre.

Make a Rethink Centre booking

Contact us

To discuss the content and cost of your session, please contact our Rethink Centre Coordinator on 9490 4222.