Waste reduction

We divert waste from landfill, encourage residents and businesses to reduce waste, and lobby governments and industries to achieve zero waste.

We cannot do this alone: achieving zero waste requires all levels of government, manufacturers, the recycling industry, businesses and the community to share responsibility.

Our role in working towards zero waste

Our plan looks at what we can do, and lobbies the Victorian and Australian governments for change.

The plan has 4 strategic directions.

  1. Avoid waste generation.
  2. Build, support and strengthen a community culture that is striving for zero waste.
  3. Deliver environmentally responsible and cost-effective recycling and waste services.
  4. Advocate to other levels of government to avoid waste, reduce waste to landfill and increase recycling.

The key actions proposed are:

  • investigating a food and garden organics collection service;
  • expanding the services at our Waste Recovery Centre;
  • reviewing our hard waste collection service;
  • offering an e-waste disposal solution in response to the 1 July 2019 e-waste landfill ban;
  • educating our community about waste avoidance, recycling and reusing;
  • reviewing our waste charges; and
  • investigating collection services offered to high density and harder to access places.

Read our Zero Waste Management Plan 2019-2023

What you can do to reduce your waste?

The community must rethink waste in all that it does. It must make informed purchasing decisions for the durability and long-term use of items, and try to repair and reuse items as much as possible.

Learn about our waste and recycling services