Environment and Climate Action Advisory Committee

The Banyule Environment and Climate Action Advisory Committee (BECAAC, formally BEAC) provides us on-going input and advice from community members who are concerned about the effects of climate change and are committed to sustaining and enhancing a connected, healthy and resilient environment.

Read the full committee terms of reference(PDF, 232KB).


The committee's primary aim is to connect us with our community. BECAAC members are represent our diversity and are appointed to work constructively with us on environmental and climate action strategies.

Key objectives

  • Provide feedback and advice on our policies, actions plans, services and projects.
  • Raise environmental issues of interest for our community.
  • Make decisions regarding the direction of our environment grants program.


The committee consists of up to 12 members:

  • up to 4 members with experience in environmental issues related to our Council Plan 2021-2025
  • up to 8 community group representatives or professionals from organisations, agencies and service providers
  • 2 councillors
  • 2 substitute councillors
  • 1 Council officer (additional to the 12 members)

As best as we are able, representation on the committee will reflect the:

  • diverse range of interests and experience, to provide a balance of perspectives
  • community demographics
  • geographic diversity of Banyule.

Our staff are not considered members of the committee, but a specific officer is assigned to the committee to provide executive support and will be the key contact for all members.

Committee positions are voluntary and may be held for a 2-year term. Representation will be sought from a recruitment process specified in the terms of reference.


For more information, contact Lisa Conley at lisa.conley@banyule.vic.go.au