Apartment 8, Level 2, 1 Wilfred Road IVANHOE EAST - P996/2017 Part 10

Land affected includes part of the common property contained within Owners Corporation 2, on PS823261G.

Application is to amend a permit for

  • In accordance with the endorsed plans: 
    Construction of multi – unit development; 

    Variation of an easement; 
    Removal of vegetation; 
    Works within a Special Building Overlay.

Amendments to the permit include

  • Amendment to the endorsed plans (pursuant to Section 72 of the Banyule Planning Scheme) to specifically allow for the (retrospective approval) of buildings and works for the extension of the balcony associated with Apartment 8 (Lot 208), Level 2 of 1 Wilfred Road, Ivanhoe East and over common property.

Planning Scheme Clause and Matter for which a permit is required

  • Clause 32.08-4 and Clause 32.08-7 – General Residential Zone (schedule 2) - Extend an existing dwelling on a lot and on common property.


1 Wilfred Road, Ivanhoe East 3079  View Map

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