4/18-20 Rosanna Road HEIDELBERG - P918/2024

Application is for a permit to:

Extension of one dwelling on a lot less than 300 square metres under Residential Growth Zone – Schedule 1 and Design and Development Overlay – Schedule 5, construct a building exceeding 6m in height under and Significant Landscape Overlay - Schedule 1.

Planning Scheme Clause:

Clause 32.07-4 - Residential Growth Zone – Schedule 1 (RGZ1)

Clause 43.02-5 - Design and Development Overlay – Schedule 5 (DDO5)

Clause 42.03 - Significant Landscape Overlay – Schedule 1 (SLO1)

Matter for which a permit is required:

To construct and extend one dwelling on a lot less than 300 square metres

Construction and extension of a single dwelling on a site less than 300m2 

To construct a building or construct or carry out works with a height exceeding 6 metres above ground level.

 Building Height Exceeding 6 Metres (7.773m Total Height)


4/18-20 Rosanna Road, Heidelberg 3084  View Map

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