41 Mountain View Road MONTMORENCY - P1215/2024

Application is for a permit to

  • Development of three (3) dwellings, removal of native vegetation, buildings & works within the dripline of protected vegetation, and construction of retaining walls

Planning Scheme Clause and Matter for which a permit is required

  • Clause 32.09-7 (Neighbourhood Residential Zone [NRZ3]) - Construct two or more dwellings on a lot. (Three dwellings)
  • Clause 42.02-2 (Vegetation Protection Overlay [VPO1]) -  To remove, destroy or lop any vegetation specified in a schedule to this overlay. Including Trees #1, #5, #21, #29 and #32.
  •  Clause 43.02-2 (Design and Development Overlay – Schedule 8 (DDO8) - Construct a building or construct or carry out works, including: Building and works within the dripline of a tree for which a permit is required to remove, destroy of lop under the Vegetation Protection Overlay affecting the land, and Construction of a fence or retaining wall within 10m of the front boundary to a street.


41 Mountain View Road, Montmorency 3094  View Map

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