3 Waverley Avenue IVANHOE - P1157/2024
Application is for a permit to
Development of apartment building containing ten (10) dwellings in the Design and Development Overlay (Schedule 12) and removal of vegetation
Planning Scheme Clause and Matter for Which a Permit is Required
Clause 32.08-7 (General Residential Zone – Schedule 1 (GRZ1) - Construct two or more dwellings on a lot
Clause 43.02-2 (Design and Development Overlay – Schedule 12 (DDO12) - Construct a building (including a front fence) or carry out works
Clause 42.02-2 (Vegetation Protection Overlay - Schedule 3 (VPO3) - Remove, destroy or lop any vegetation specified in a schedule to this overlay.
3 Waverley AvenuE, Ivanhoe 3079 View Map
3 Waverley AvenuE ,
Ivanhoe 3079
3 Waverley AvenuE ,
Ivanhoe 3079
3 Waverley Avenue IVANHOE - P1157/2024