3 Somerset Drive VIEWBANK - P1090/2024
Application is for a permit to
- Development of two (2) dwellings within the Neighbourhood Residential Zone (NRZ3), works greater than 6m above ground level and removal of protected vegetation within the Significant Landscape Overlay (SLO1) and works within the Special Building Overlay (SBO1)
Planning Scheme Clause and Matter for which a permit is required
- Clause 32.09-7 – Neighbourhood Residential Zone – Schedule 3 (NRZ3) - Construct two or more dwellings on a lot
- Clause 42.03-2 – Significant Landscape Overlay – Schedule 1 (SLO1) - Construct a building with a height exceeding six metres above ground level and Removal of protected vegetation
- Clause 44.05-2 – Special Building Overlay – Schedule 1 (SBO1) - Construct a building or to construct or carry out works
3 Somerset Drive, Viewbank 3084 View Map
3 Somerset Drive ,
Viewbank 3084
3 Somerset Drive ,
Viewbank 3084
3 Somerset Drive VIEWBANK - P1090/2024