26 Ashe Crescent BELLFIELD - P924/2024
Application is for a permit to:
Develop two (2) dwellings and remove vegetation
Planning Scheme Clause and matter for which a Permit is required:
Clause 32.08-7 General Residential Zone – Schedule 1 (GRZ1) - Construct two or more dwellings on a lot (2 dwellings)
Clause 42.02-8 Vegetation Protection Overlay – Schedule 5 (VPO5) - Removal of vegetation specified in Schedule 5 of the Overlay (Trees #33 and #35)
26 Ashe Crescent, Bellfield 3081 View Map
26 Ashe Crescent ,
Bellfield 3081
26 Ashe Crescent ,
Bellfield 3081
26 Ashe Crescent BELLFIELD - P924/2024