16-18 Grimshaw Street GREENSBOROUGH - P227/2008 PT5
Application is to amend a permit for
• Development of the land with a multi-level commercial building including a reduction in the car parking required and the creation of access adjacent a road zone (category 1)
Amendments to the permit include
• Amendment of the permit preamble to include Use of land for a Secondary School (Level 2)
• Amendment of the endorsed plans to:
o Allow for internal alterations of Level-2 for use as a secondary school
o Repurposing of 5 car parking spaces to provide an additional 23 bicycle parking spaces
o Alter the parking allocation schedule to reflect current use and changes resulting from the repurposing of 5 parking spaces.
Planning Scheme Clause and Matter for which a permit is required
Clause 37.08 - 2 (Activity Centre Zone) - Use of the land for a Secondary School
16-18 Grimshaw Street, Greensborough 3088 View Map
16-18 Grimshaw Street ,
Greensborough 3088
16-18 Grimshaw Street ,
Greensborough 3088
16-18 Grimshaw Street GREENSBOROUGH - P227/2008 PT5