145 Weidlich Road ELTHAM NORTH - P480/2023 pt4

Application is to amend a permit for

Use and development of the land for a childcare (education) centre, buildings and works within the Special Building Overlay – Schedule 2 and associated reduction to the number of required car parking spaces and vegetation removal

Amendments to the permit include

Section 72 Amendment – Minor Building Changes and Increase from 90 to 92 Child Care Spaces

Planning Scheme Clause and Matter for Which a Permit is Required

Clause 32.09 – Neighbourhood Residential Zone – Schedule 3 (NRZ3) - Use and Development of the land for a childcare centre

Clause 52.06 – Car Parking - A permit is required to reduce the number of car parking spaces required under Clause 52.06-5



145 Weidlich Road, Eltham North 3095  View Map

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