132 Diamond Creek Road ST HELENA - P995/2013 PT17

Application is to amend a permit for

  • Multi-Stage Subdivision and Development of Dwellings in a General Residential Zone – Schedule 2; Creation and Alteration to a Transport Zone 2; Vegetation Removal in an Environmental Significance Overlay – Schedule 3, Vegetation Protection Overlay – Schedule 1 and Clause 52.17 (Native Vegetation) and Associated Buildings and Works.
    The approved stages include:
  •  Stage 1A & B - 29 residential lots
  •  Stage 2A – 47 residential lots
  •  Stage 2B – 10 residential lots
  •  Stage 3 – 65 residential lots

Amendments to the permit include

  • The development and associated subdivision of 71 additional dwellings as part of a new stage known as ‘Stage 4’
  • Demolition of a building (Saxam Homestead) in the Heritage Overlay (Schedule 197)
  • Removal of additional vegetation under the Environmental Significance Overlay (Schedule 3), Vegetation Protection Overlay (Schedule 1) and Clause 52.17 ‘Native Vegetation’
  • Amendment to expiry conditions
  • Amendment to permit preamble to correctly capture the Environmental Significance Overlay (Schedule 4) and Clause 52.02 ‘Easements, Restrictions and Reserves’ as permit triggers for previous stages


132 Diamond Creek Road, St Helena 3088  View Map

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