108-132 Diamond Creek Road, St Helena

Planning permit P995/2013 was issued on 16 September 2014. The permit was issued for the staged subdivision of the land, vegetation removal, creation of access to a road in a road zone category one and construction of dwellings. Plans have been endorsed and works have commenced on part of the land. The permit remains live and can continue to be acted upon by the developer.

  • ReferenceP995/2013
  • ProposalAmendment to the planning permit and endorsed plans. The amendment involves changes to; the subdivision layout, number of lots, number of dwellings, design of dwellings, removal of two additional trees and changes to the permit preamble and conditions.

108-132 Diamond Creek Road, St Helena 3088  View Map

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What are the amendments?

The planning permit description is proposed to be amended to: Staged subdivision of land, construction of one dwelling on each lot, creation of access to a Road Zone Category 1, vegetation removal and associated building and works.

The proposed amendments to the approved permit and plan are to be extensive, but generally consist of the following changes to the design:

  • removal of the apartments from the mix of dwelling types, with detached dwellings and townhouses now comprising the whole of the proposal;
  • revision of the subdivision layout and road network;
  • reduction in the total number of dwellings proposed from 259 down to 247; and
  • removal of two additional trees (Eucalyptus melliodora), identified as 5 and 10 within the Arboricultural Assessment Report prepared by Treelogic: trees are both located near the eastern boundary of the site and are assigned medium (5) and high value (10).

The conditions of permit are also proposed to be amended to reflect the proposed changes.

Are there other planning permits issued for the site?

Yes. There have been a number of previous planning permits issued for the subject site as follows: Planning Permit P235/2015 issued on 27 November 2015 and allowed - Construction of 90 dwellings, vegetation removal, associated building and works, roadworks within the Public Acquisition Overlay and 90 lot subdivision.

Planning Permit P782/2015 issued on 18 March 2015 and allowed Use of eight dwellings approved under Stage 1A (Lots 2,3,4,5,11,12,13 and 14) of Planning Permit P995/2013 as display homes, use of Lot 1 as a sales office, buildings and works for the construction of a temporary car park and associated signage.

The applicant has sought to amend permit P995/2013 as this was the original permit issued for the site. The applicant is making this application so as to consolidate and simplify all of the Council planning permit requirements into one document and make the permit easier to comply with and easier to enforce.

If the amendments are approved, the applicant will not need to act on other planning permits and will be able to continue the development to completion under Permit P995/2013.