Gantry permit

You must apply for a permit if a gantry needs to be placed on public land in Banyule.

This includes:

  • a street or road managed by us or VicRoads
  • any footpath, nature strip or laneway.

No permit is required for gantry placement on private driveways or private land.

Steps to apply

Step 1.Location

Understanding who manages your proposed placement location is important to know.

We manage most of the local streets in Banyule, but not all. Some are managed by the VicRoads.

If you are unsure about your location, contact a construction management officer on 9490 4222 or consult VicRoads on 13 11 71.

Step 2.VicRoads MOA

If VicRoads manages your proposed location, then you must first apply for a memorandum of authority.

This is not required if we manage the location.

Step 3.Drawings

Gather all detailed drawings of the gantry, any computations and your engineer's sign-off on placement.

Step 4.Regulation 116

If the placement of your gantry is part of a building permit requirement, then you will need to get Regulation 116 endorsement.

If no building permit was required for your works, then this is not required.

Step 5.Application

Apply for a gantry permit

Step 6.Outcome

We will assess your application, calculate what your occupation fee will be, and respond to your application in 5 working days.

The occupation fee is paid after you submit a permit application. We will contact you directly.

Step 7.Works completion

Once your building works are complete, you will need to supply us with a dilapidation report that assess any damage to our assets.

If there is damage, you may be required to pay for repairs.

Contact us

If you have any questions, contact the Construction Management team on 9490 4222 or at