This overlay applies to property that Banyule Council has identified as an area prone to regular overland water flows.
Action to take
If your information request states that this overlay affects your property, you may apply for Pre-authorisation using our consent form.
This will speed up the overall planning permit application process, as your plans will have already complied with flooding conditions.
What your plans must show for this overlay
The minimum freeboard (Show info) requirements for dwellings and building is 300mm. For outbuildings and garages, it is 150mm.
You cannot alter land or landscaping within existing stormwater drainage easements or where stormwater flow is permitted.
Boundaries and internal fencing must allow stormwater flows. Detail of the correct permeable fencing to use will be provided by Banyule.
Your new structure cannot restrict the free flow of stormwater. Similarly, you cannot cause higher flood levels or faster flows.