Parking fines

Payment options

Use MasterCard or VISA to pay the fine now using our web payment processing partner MerchantSuite.

Pay the fine 


To make paying a fine less of a financial strain, you can request to extend the due date to pay a fine.

Requests to extend the due date need to be made in writing, alternatively call 9058 6626 to discuss with our team.
Send us an extension request.

Payment plan

You can request to pay a fine in fixed installments over an agreed period of time depending on your circumstances.

Request a payment plan

Make instalment payment

Other options

Review your photos

Request an internal review

Not the driver

Let us know if you were not the driver. If you are the registered owner of a car that has been issued a parking fine, but you were not the driver at the time, you can let us know the person responsible for the infringement notice.

Send completed nomination forms to Banyule City Council, GPO Box 425, Melbourne 3001.

Nominate the responsible person(PDF, 390KB)