Discontinuing rights of way, roads and reserves

Many local properties are bordered by one or more of our 260 laneways and property, known as a either right of way (ROW), road reserve (RR) or drainage reserve (DR).

Discontinuance application

If you would like to purchase land contained within a ROW, RR or DR, an application must be made. There is a non-refundable application fee.

Contact our Property Services team on (03) 9490 4222 or at property.services@banyule.vic.gov.au for a discussion before submitting an application.

Apply for a discontinuance

We will contact you within 10 business days.

After you apply

We will investigate your situation and assess the feasibility of the discontinuance and sale of land proposal. 

Before we make a final decision, the proposal will be publicly advertised. The public is invited to respond to the proposal, and we must consider all feedback.

If we find that a discontinuance is possible, the land will be allocated and valued in accordance with our Right of Way Policy(PDF, 95KB).

If we find that the ROW, RR or DR is no longer required for public use, we may discontinue it and either sell or retain the land.

A notice of our decision is then published in the Victoria Government Gazette for public inspection. We may then offer the land for sale to a bordering land owner.