Resignation of Councillor Fiona Mitsinikos

Published on 15 August 2024


Former Hawdon Ward councillor Fiona Mitsinikos has advised Banyule City Council of her resignation as a councillor effective 14 August 2024.

Earlier in 2024 Ms Mitsinikos advised Council that her family had temporarily relocated interstate and during this time Ms Mitsinikos continued to live in Banyule and perform her duties as a councillor.

Ms Mitsinikos advised Council this week that her family circumstances had changed, including moving interstate permanently and it was therefore not possible nor in the best interests of the community and Council for her to continue as a councillor.

Ms Mitsinikos said it had been a privilege to serve the Banyule community since being elected in 2020 and she is proud of the many achievements of Council over that time.

Council have informed the Minister for Local Government, the Victorian Electoral Commission (VEC) and relevant agencies of Ms Mitsinikos resignation.

The VEC have advised that as of 1 April 2024 and beyond, any councillor resignations that occur from that date until the 26 October 2024 (Victorian Local Government General Election) across Victoria would not require a Council by-election or equivalent.

Banyule City Council will continue to be represented by the current 8 Councillors until the new Council 2024-2028 are sworn in.

Community members in Hawdon Ward are encouraged to contact Mayor Tom Melican or any other Banyule Councillor, or contact Council at or 9490 4222.

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