Notice of intent to sell 1 Stradbroke Avenue

Published on 30 July 2024

We give notice under Section 114 of the Local Government Act 2020 of its intention to sell the land shown on the plan set out on this page , being a total area of approximately 1115m², the details of which are as follows:

  • 1 Stradbroke Avenue, Heidelberg, being the part of the land described in certificate of title Vol 11889 Folio 234, Lot 1 on Plan of Subdivision PS733049F (“the Subject Land”)
  • See Plan of Subject Land highlighted.

Plan of 1 Stradbroke Avenue

The decision to proceed with the Notice of Intent to Sell was made at the 15 July 2024 Meeting of Council. Details of the decision can be found in the corresponding Banyule Council Report minutes. We note that Council is not ultimately obliged to sell the land following this process. Should Council ultimately decide to proceed with the sale, the approximate date for the transaction is late-2024, early 2025.

Any person may make a submission on the proposal. Any person proposing to make a submission must do so within 28 days of the publication of this Notice, which will commence on Tuesday, 30 July 2024.

All submissions will be considered in accordance with section 55 of the Act and Council’s Community Engagement Policy 2021.

Written submissions to Council under section 55 of the Act must be received by 5pm on Wednesday, 28 August 2024 and should be addressed to the Chief Executive Office, Banyule City Council and delivered to 1 Flintoff Street, Greensborough 3088 or posted to PO Box 94, Greensborough 3088.

Email submissions can be made via

All formal submissions must be in writing and received by the closing date.

Any person requesting to be heard in support of their submission is entitled to be heard before Council (or a committee established by Council for this purpose) or be represented by a person acting on his or her behalf. If you wish to be heard at the Council meeting in person, or to be represented by a person specified in the submission, you must state this in your written submission.

Submissions will be considered at a future Ordinary Meeting of Council. Council will consider whether or not to sell the Land at a future meeting. If no submissions are received, Council may decide whether or not to sell the Land at the next available ordinary meeting. Any person making a written submission under section 55 of the Act is advised that all submissions and personal information in the submission will be handled by Council in accordance with the provisions of the Privacy and Data Protection Act 2014.

For additional information related to this notice, further enquires please contact Kristel Roxas, Property & Strategic Projects Officer on 9457 9952 or at ‬

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