A total fire ban has been declared across Banyule and all other parts of Victoria for today. No fires can be lit or be allowed to remain alight in the open air at any time on 22 February 2025.
Published on 27 June 2024
Over the past 6 months, our Bushland Management Unit have been preparing a new biodiversity site within Anthony Beale Reserve. The site is the lawn area below the conservation reserve. It will extend the habitat area, and will increase the biodiversity value of the bushland. Having recently fenced off the new area, we will work together with the Friends of Anthony Beale to manage the vegetation within. Management includes:
We hope that over the next couple of years there will be a significant reduction in weeds and an increase in indigenous flora. In doing so we'll encourage native pollinators and increase pollination of rare and threatened species in the site. The site will also act as a steppingstone for wildlife, allowing them to move between fragmented wildlife corridors. Many thanks go out to The Friends of Anthony Beale. A passionate bunch who meet in the reserve at St Katherine’s Church carpark, on the fourth Sunday of the month. Keen to get involved? All newcomers are welcome!