Bush Crew diaries July 2023

Published on 22 June 2023

A fire ranger in a controlled burn

Simonelli Reserve, Eltham North. A small section of the reserve was burnt in autumn 2023 by the Bush Crew.

The Bush Crew conducted an ecological burn at Simonelli Reserve in autumn 2023. This small reserve, of only 0.25 hectares is filled with biodiversity and represents a remaining example of what the surrounding landscape might have looked like prior to residential settlement.

During an overnight safety watch following the burn, our park rangers observed a small group of resident Krefft’s gliders using the reserve. Our bushland reserves are important refuges for biodiversity.

Undertaking ecological burns at ecologically recommended intervals helps to enhance biodiversity by stimulating seed germination, reducing competition and providing nutrients to the soil. The woodland at Simonelli Reserve benefits from ecological burning every 15 years.

This winter, our park rangers are observing the regeneration of remnant indigenous plants and seed occurring over the ecologically burnt area. They are also undertaking winter weed control works at the site, targeting weeds such as chickweed (Stellaria media), panic veldt grass (Erharta erecta) and flick-weed (Cardamine hirsuta).

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