Weather resilient gardening

Next date: Saturday, 23 August 2025 | 10:00 AM to 12:00 PM

Seedling in planter box

With changing weather patterns already impacting our gardens, we can expect hotter temperatures, less rainfall, and more disruption in the years ahead.

In this workshop, we will explore practical strategies to adapt, including smart garden design, selecting resilient plants, preparing for heatwaves and making the most of available water resources.

Led by Kat Lavers, learn how these strategies can help create more resilient gardens, homes, and communities.


About the speaker

Kat Lavers is the gardener and designer behind The Plummery, a 1/14th acre urban permaculture system in Melbourne's north that produces almost all the vegies, herbs, fruit and eggs consumed by the household. She has realised that with good design, growing lots of food is possible even with limited time, space and resources.

Afternoon tea will be provided, so please note dietary needs during registration.

Things to know

  • Children aged 10+ are welcome but must be supervised by an adult at all times.
  • Bring a reusable water bottle and keep-cup.
  • If you are unwell on the day, please stay home to protect others.


  • Saturday, 23 August 2025 | 10:00 AM - 12:00 PM


If venue car park is full there is street parking on Daphne Crescent .

Bus services to venue include 250, 251, 350 and 549.

Bellfield entrance is approximately 2 km from Bellfield station.

Bellfield Community Hub, 15 Daphne Crescent, Bellfield, 3081, View Map

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