No and low-cost energy tips

Next date: Tuesday, 13 May 2025 | 06:30 PM to 07:30 PM

Solar panels on the roof of a house

This workshop will be 1 hour of practical DIY tips that can help you stay warm in winter.

Led by Lucinda Flynn, Going Green Solutions, the workshop will discuss no and low-cost energy tips that you can use at your home. Everyone from homeowners to renters are welcome.

Light refreshments will be provided.


  • 6:30-6:35 pm: short introduction
  • 6:35-6:45 pm: thermal comfort principles
  • 6:45-7:15 pm: no and low-cost energy tips
  • 7:15-7:30 pm: what you can do at home

Things to know

This workshop is targeted towards adults, however children aged 10+ are welcome but must be supervised by an adult at all times.

We will be indoors in a comfortable environment with seating. Please bring a reusable water bottle and keep-cup.

If you are unwell on the day, please stay home to protect others.


The room in on the ground floor in Bellfield Community Hub.

This venue includes accessibility accommodations, including:

  • 2 accessible parking spaces
  • ample parking available after hours
  • toilets are accessible to people with wheelchairs or other mobility aids.
  • tactile features for vision impairment (front door and toilets).

There is additional street parking on Daphne Crescent Corner of Perkins Avenue and Oriel Road.

Geting there

Bus services: 250, 251, 350 and 549. Bellfield entrance is approximately 200m from the bus stop.

Closest train station: Heidelberg Station. Studley Rd, Heidelberg. Bellfield entrance is approximately 2 km from the station.


  • Tuesday, 13 May 2025 | 06:30 PM - 07:30 PM


Bellfield Community Hub, 15 Daphne Crescent, Bellfield, 3081, View Map

Google Map

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