Street stall and temporary advertising permits

With a permit, local community and charitable groups can run a street stall in a public place to raise funds.

If your group is holding an event, we can help to promote it by allowing you to place signs on land.

Street stalls

We have identified 9 places in Banyule where street stalls can set up, and we allow one in each location per month.

As part of your application you need to:

  • nominate your preferred location for your intended date
  • provide details of your public liability insurance
  • agree to our conditions with regards to set up, conduct and displaying your permit.

Apply for a street stall(PDF, 115KB)

Temporary advertising

To apply for a permit, your group and the planned event must meet our criteria:

  • the event must be a local educational, cultural, religious, social or recreational event conducted by a non-commercial group;
  • the community group must be located within the municipality; and
  • the event being advertised must be located within the municipality.

Community groups are only allowed a permit for temporary signage on Council's land once in any 6-month period.

Signs must be under a maximum size. We will display up to 2 signs. Signage wording may not be indecent, insulting or offensive.

Before you apply

As part of your application you need to:

  • nominate your preferred location for your sign
  • intended date
  • provide details of your public liability insurance
  • agree to our conditions with regards to set up, conduct and displaying your permit.

Apply for temporary advertising signage(PDF, 222KB)

Contact us

For more information contact us on 9490 4222.