Learn some practical tips for dealing with the heat and how to stay cool.
This 4.2 hectare reserve 1.7 hectares of grassland. There is a path running through the middle and, the open space area has a playground and a rotunda. The natural grassland area to the south of the reserve is connected to the Cherry Street Reserve, a 13.21 hectare grassland reserve managed by Darebin City Council.
Dogs must be under the effective control with a chain, cord or leash.
The grassland has 2 vegetation communities; plains grassy woodland, exposed plain slope, river red gum and plains grassy woodland, terrace/valley, river red gum. It is managed by the Banyule Bushland Management Unit.
The area has 3 species listed as rare and threatened. Other plants on this site include the yellow rush lily and creeping bossiaea.
This reserve is named after Harry Pottage, a councillor in the 1960s and 1980s, who prevented the site becoming a housing development.
Eastern blue tongue lizard
Brushtail possum
Laughing kookaburra
Musk lorikeet
Rainbow lorikeet
Tawny frogmouth
Superb fairy wren
Brushtail Possum
Tiliqua scincoides
Dacelo novaeguineae
Glossopsitta concinna
Trichoglossus moluccanus
Podargus strigoides
Superb fairy-wren
Malurus cyaneus
Acacia melanoxylon
Arthropdium strictum
Bossea prostrata
Bursaria spinosa
Goodenia ovata
Eucalyptus camaldulensis
Rytidosperma sp
Themeda triandra
Arthropodium strictum
Chocolate lily
Bossiaea prostrata
Creeping bossiaea
Sweet bursaria
Hop goodenia
River red gum
Rytidosperma sp.
Wallaby grass
Kangaroo grass
Tricoryne elatior
Yellow rush lily
Xerochrysum viscosum
Sticky everlasting
128-150 Wungan Street, Macleod 3085 View Map
128-150 Wungan Street , Macleod 3085
What we are doing to protect the bushland habitats that provide refuge for our indigenous biodiversity.