Due to the extreme heat forecast for Saturday 15 March, we have rescheduled Harmony Bazaar and the outdoor movie Ferdinand.📅 New date: Sunday 30 March
This 0.3 hectare reserve comprises of bushland, a large grassy area and a playground. A small area to the west of the reserve near has a significant stand of indigenous vegetation that provides an important refuge.
Prior to residential development in the early 1970s, the reserve was part of a larger area of bushland with diverse flora and fauna.
Glendale Reserve falls within the highlands-southern fall bioregion, and is represented by grassy dry forest/box, stringybark woodland-red box (hill-slope), valley grassy forest and long-leaf box-candlebark (sheltered footslope). These values are managed by the Banyule Bushland Management Unit.
Australian magpie
Brushtail possum
Common ringtail possum
Long-billed corella
Magpie lark
Rainbow lorikeet
Tawny frogmouth
Cracticus tibicen
Pseudocheirus peregrinus
Cacatua tenuirostris
Grallina cyanoleuca
Trichoglossus moluccanus
Podargus strigoides
Acacia paradoxa
Arthropdium strictum
Bursaria spinosa
Cassinia longifolia
Clematis microphylla
Eucalyptus polyanthemos
Kunzea leptospermoides
Pultenea pedunculata
Themeda triandra
Kangaroo thorn
Arthropodium strictum
Chocolate lily
Sweet bursaria
Shiny cassinia
Small-leaved clematis
Dianella revoluta
Spreading flax lily
21 Dale Avenue, Eltham North 3095 View Map
21 Dale Avenue , Eltham North 3095
What we are doing to protect the bushland habitats that provide refuge for our indigenous biodiversity.