Warringal Parklands

Warringal Parklands landscape

This large 35.50 hectare reserve borders by the Yarra River to the south and east. It is one of many interconnected parks and reserves located along this section of the the river that provide many sport and recreational facilities for walkers, cyclists, dog owners, bird watchers and families. It has 2 ovals and tennis courts.

Dogs and cats are prohibited from entering the environmentally sensitive swamplands.

A highlight of the area for families is Possum Hollow, a large regional playground that is fenced. It has a flying fox, as well as BBQs and picnic facilities.

The reserve is managed by Banyule's Bushland Management Department with assistance from local volunteers. If you are interested in helping out, join the Warringal Conservation Society.


In 1853, Joseph Hawdon subdivided this area, including Sills Bend, into small blocks that were bought and used for orchards and market gardens. The Sills family bought the land in the late 1850s and it became known as Sills Bend. Between the late 1850s and 1926, Sills Bend was used as an orchard for quince, pear, mulberry, cherry and plum trees, some of which still stand today. In 1927, the land was sold to the local council for park land.

Flora and fauna

The reserve has are 6 vegetation communities: floodplain riparian woodland, creekline grassy woodland, floodplain riparian woodland, plains grassy woodland, wetland formation and aquatic herbfield.

Beverley Road Wetland was created to remove dense weeds. It receives water from a small catchment area of nearby road run-off.

There are many river red gums, red iron barks and swamp gums growing along the Main Yarra Trail and on the Yarra River bank. They provide habitat and food for many different species.

Many native bird species use Warringal Parklands, including grey goshawks, black-shouldered kites, tawny frogmouths and whistling kites. Yellow-tailed black cockatoos are often sighted, as are wombats, wallabies, platypus, echidnas and kangaroos.

Details about the significance of the flats can be found in our Warringal Parklands and Banyule Flats Ecological and Conservation Values Assessment(PDF, 7MB).


Common name Scientific name

Australian wood duck

Chenonetta jubata

Brushtail possum

Trichosurus vulpecula

Common wombat

Vombatus ursinus

Eastern grey kangaroo

Macropus giganteus

Laughing kookaburra

Dacelo novaeguineae

Rainbow lorikeet

Trichoglossus moluccanus

Tiger snake

Notechis scutatus

Yellow-tailed black cockatoo

Calyptorhynchus funereus


Scientific name Common name

Acacia melanoxylon


Brachyscome multifida

Cut-leaf daisy

Bursaria spinosa

Sweet bursaria

Carex tereticaulis


Chrysocephalum apiculatum

Common everlasting

Eucalyptus camaldulensis

River red gum

Lomandra longifolia

Spiny-headed mat rush

Lythrum salicaria

Purple loostrife

Melaleuca ericifolia

Swamp paperbark



2 Beverley Road, Heidelberg 3084  View Map

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