St Helena Bush Reserve

Sunlight coming through trees at St Helenas Bushland Reserve

This 2.4 hectare reserve has remnant indigenous vegetation, and is surrounded by urban development. The reserve is rated as one of the top five most significant sites within Banyule as it contains the highest quality example of intact red box-red stringybark box-stringybark woodland.

It has state significance for the flora present, and regional significance for the fauna that live here.

The Banyule Bushland Management Unit manages the reserve with assistance from local volunteers. If you are interested in helping out, join the Friends of St Helena Bush Reserve.

Dogs and cats are prohibited from entering environmentally sensitive park and reserve areas as designated by signs. Dogs must be under the effective control with a chain, cord or leash outside currently fenced areas.


Since European settlement, the reserve was degraded from weeds and pests, the formation of tracks, trampling, timber cutting and cattle grazing. The bushland has been reduced in size because of subdivision, which also means there are no effective habitat linkages to other local remnant bush land areas.

Members of the Friends of St Helena were part of a lobby group in the early 1980s that fought to protect and save as much vegetation and habitat as possible from development. The group is still active today.

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Flora and fauna

St Helena Bushland Reserve is of state significance because of its flora and regionally significant fauna species. There are 146 species, subspecies and recognised varieties and hybrids within the reserve. Three species are listed as rare or threatened in Victoria, and there are a number of species considered regionally vulnerable within the Greater Melbourne area.

The reserve provides habitat for a range of local wildlife including brushtail and ringtail possums, eastern blue tongue lizards, garden skinks, micro-bats and a large number of butterflies and other insects.


Common name Scientific name

Australian magpie

Cracticus tibicen

Brushtail possum

Trichosurus vulpecula

Common ringtail possum

Pseudocheirus peregrinus

Eastern blue tongue lizard

Tiliqua scincoides

King parrot  Alisterus scapularis

Laughing kookaburra

Dacelo novaeguineae

Rainbow lorikeet

Trichoglossus moluccanus

Tawny frogmouth

Podargus strigoides


Scientific name Common name

Acacia acinacea

Gold dust wattle

Acacia genistifolia

Spreading wattle

Arthropodium strictum

Chocolate lily

Caladenia parva

Green-comb spider orchid

Comesperma volubile

Love creeper

Coronidium scorpioides

Button everlasting

Daviesia leptophylla

Narrow-leaf bitter pea

Dichondra repens

Kidney weed

Diuris pardina

Leopard orchid

Eucalyptus macrorhyncha

Red stringybark

Eucalyptus polyanthemos

Red box

Goodenia blackiana

Black's goodenia

Hardenbergia violacea

Purple coral pea

Hovea heterophylla

Common hovea

Microseris lanceolata

Murnong, yam daisy

Pterostylis curta

Blunt greenhood

Stackhousia monogyna

Creamy candles

Tetratheca ciliata

Pink bells

Thysanotus patersonii

Twining fringe lily

Wurmbea dioica

Early nancy



Eskdale Court, St Helena 3088  View Map

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