Simonelli Reserve

Simonelli Reserve landscape

This 0.25 hectare reserve has many species for its size. It provides a vital refuge and connection for wildlife to travel between nearby bushland.

No dogs or cats are permitted in this reserve.


This reserve was part of a larger, privately owned parcel of land. In 2000, Council negotiated with the landowner to subdivide the property. A larger than required parcel of land was contributed to us for public space. The reserve, named after the original land owner, contains significant indigenous vegetation, and is now a conservation area managed by Banyule’s Bushland Management Unit.

Flora and fauna

This reserve is in the Highlands-Southern fall bioregion, and its vegetation community is valley grassy forest-long leaf box candlebark (sheltered footslope).

80 indigenous vegetation species have been recorded, including 2 species considered vulnerable or poorly known.


Common name Scientific name

Australian magpie

Cracticus tibicen

Bushtail possum

Trichosurus vulpecula

Bull ant

Myrmecia sp.

Common ringtail possum

Pseudocheirus peregrinus

King parrot Alisterus scapularis

Rainbow lorikeet

Trichoglossus moluccanus

Tawny frogmouth

Podargus strigoides


Scientific name Common name

Acacia genistifolia

Spreading wattle

Arthropodium strictum

Chocolate lily

Bossiaea prostrata

Creeping bossieae

Bulbine bulbosa

Bulbine lily

Daviesia leptophylla

Narrow-leaf bitter pea

Dichondra repens

Kidney weed

Goodenia blackiana

Black's goodenia

Hardenbergia violacea

Purple coral pea

Hovea heterophylla

Common hovea

Thelymitra pauciflora Slender sun orchid

Wurmbea dioica

Early nancy


346 St Helena Road, Eltham North 3095  View Map

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