Redmond Court Wetland Reserve

Redmond Court Wetland landscape

This wetland provides habitat for many indigenous plant species and birds. It is managed by Banyule's Bushland Management Unit.

Wetland processes

Wetlands provide protection between the land and the shorelines of our creeks, estuaries and beaches, keeping waterways safe from siltation and nutrient runoff. They are strategically placed in the catchment area and can decrease the likelihood of flooding.

The wetland collects stormwater run-off from the surrounding area and filters material like phosphorous and nitrates before it runs into Darebin Creek. These things are most commonly found in detergents, dog poo, fertilisers and litter.

Wetlands have detention basins or ponds that slow the water flow so that many natural processes can occur. This occurs because plants naturally take up and lock in the nutrients through their root systems in order to grow. The wetland also naturally helps with sedimentation. As storm water runs into the wetland, it slows down, and this causes the sediment to settle at the bottom of the wetland. This is why wetlands periodically need to be de-silted to remain at their normal functioning capacity.


This wetland was previously a lake supplying irrigation water to sport fields at Parade College. When the land was sold to developers for housing, the lake was transformed into a retarding basin to slow stormwater run off from the subdivision.


Common name Scientific name

Australian wood duck

Chenonetta jubata

Chestnut teal

Anas castanea

Laughing kookaburra

Dacelo novaeguineae

Pacific black duck

Anas superciliosa

White-faced heron

Egretta novaehollandiae


Scientific name Common name

Acacia verticillata

Prickly moses

Alisma plantago-aquatic

Water plantain

Chrysocephalum apiculatum

Common everlasting

Clematis microphylla

Small-leaved clematis

Cycnogeton procerum

Water ribbon

Eucalyptus camaldulensis

River red gum

Goodenia ovata

Hop goodenia

Gynatrix pulchella

Hemp bush

Lomandra longifolia

Spiny-headed mat rush

Lythrum salicaria

Purple loostrife

Melicytus dentatus

Tree violet

Mentha australis

River mint


12 Redmond Court, Bundoora 3083  View Map

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