Marigolds Reserve

Marigolds Reserve landscape

The reserve comprises natural bushland as well as open space and a playground. It is 8.2 acres, with 3.8 acres dedicated to natural conservation zones. The reserve is home to some remnant river red gums and many wildflowers. Banyule’s Bushland Management Unit maintains the reserve.

Flora and fauna

The vegetation community includes plains grassy woodland and exposed plain-slope, and is considered regionally threatened.

There are many flora species within the conservation area, including the rare and threatened matted flax lily. Other regionally significant species include the blushing bindweed and varied raspwort.

The reserve has many significantly aged river red gums, many of which have well-formed habitat hollows.


Common name Scientific name

Brushtail possum

Trichosurus vulpecula

Common ringtail possum

Pseudocheirus peregrinus

Eastern blue tongue lizard

Tiliqua scincoides

Laughing kookaburra

Dacelo novaeguineae

Rainbow lorikeet

Trichoglossus moluccanus

Sulfur-crested cockatoo

Cacatua galerita

Sugar glider

Petaurus breviceps

Tawny frogmouth

Podargus strigoides


Scientific name Common name

Convolvulus angustissimus

Blushing bindweed

Haloragis hetrophylla

Varied raspwort

Dianella amoena

Matted flax lily

Acacia implexa


Acacia melanoxylon


Arthropodium strictum

Chocolate lily

Bossiaea prostrata

Creeping bossieae

Bursaria spinosa

Sweet bursaria

Goodenia ovata

Hop goodenia

Eucalyptus camaldulensis

River red gum

Rytidosperma sp.

Wallaby grass

Themeda triandra

Kangaroo grass

Tricoryne elatior

Yellow rush lily


20 Marigolds Road, Yallambie 3085  View Map

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