A total fire ban has been declared across Banyule and all other parts of Victoria for today. No fires can be lit or be allowed to remain alight in the open air at any time on 22 February 2025.
This 1 hectare reserve has walking tracks, although it is extremely steep. It is part of a wildlife corridor with other isolated reserves found throughout the Montmorency.
The vegetation community is grassy dry forest/box-stringybark woodland, yellow box dominant. There are many species in the reserve, including 2 orchid species, blunt greenhood and nodding greenhood. Other plants include running postman, slender speedwell and hill wallaby grass. It is managed by the Banyule Bushland Management Unit.
Australian magpie
Brushtail possum
Common ringtail possum
Eastern blue tongue lizard
Musk lorikeet
Sugar glider
Tawny frogmouth
Cracticus tibicen
Pseudocheirus peregrinus
Tiliqua scincoides
Glossopsitta concinna
Petaurus breviceps
Podargus strigoides
Acacia implexa
Arthropdium strictum
Bursaria spinosa
Eucalyptus melliodora
Exocarpus cupressiformis
Kennedia prostrata
Melicytus dentatus
Pterostylis nutans
Pterostylis curta
Rytidosperma sp
Arthropodium strictum
Chocolate lily
Sweet bursaria
Yellow box
Exocarpos cupressiformis
Cherry ballart
Running postman
Tree violet
Nodding greenhood
Blunt greenhood
Rytidosperma erianthum
Hill wallaby grass
Rytidosperma sp.
Wallaby grass
11-13 Kirwana Grove, Montmorency 3094 View Map
11-13 Kirwana Grove , Montmorency 3094
What we are doing to protect the bushland habitats that provide refuge for our indigenous biodiversity.