A total fire ban has been declared across Banyule and all other parts of Victoria for today. No fires can be lit or be allowed to remain alight in the open air at any time on 22 February 2025.
This reserve provides views of Banyule from a bushland setting. Walking trails provide access to the nearby Plenty River Trail and Montmorency Park. It is managed by the Banyule Bushland Management Unit helps to maintain and increase its biodiversity. If you would like to help out, join the Friends of Plenty River. They meet on the second Sunday of each month.
This reserve forms part of the important Plenty River Wildlife Corridor that connects to the Yarra River. The reserve's vegetation provides colour from many wildflower species.
Brushtail possum
Eastern blue tongue lizard
Laughing kookaburra
Musk lorikeet
Rainbow lorikeet
Sugar glider
Tawny frogmouth
Tiliqua scincoides
Dacelo novaeguineae
Glossopsitta concinna
Trichoglossus moluccanus
Petaurus breviceps
Podargus strigoides
Bursaria spinosa
Correa glabra
Eucalyptus melliodora
Pultenea pedunculata
Rytidosperma sp
Themeda triandra
Wahlenbergia luteola
Sweet bursaria
Rock correa
Yellow box
Matted bush pea
Rytidosperma sp.
Wallaby grass
Kangaroo grass
Bronze bluebell
Fricker Avenue, Greensborough 3088 View Map
Fricker Avenue , Greensborough 3088
What we are doing to protect the bushland habitats that provide refuge for our indigenous biodiversity.