Cleveland Wetland Reserve

Cleveland Wetland Reserve landscape

This 3 hectare reserve includes open grass areas, trees and a wetland. The Plenty River runs along the western boundary of the reserve, and the area has a semi-rural feel surrounded with large residential homes.


Cleveland Reserve was the location of the old Board of Works depot until the late 1980s. Today, the reserve is managed by Banyule Council. It functions as a storm water wetland that provides habitat for flora and fauna.

Flora and fauna

The reserve is in the Gippsland Plain bioregion, and has many vegetation communities, including: plains grassy woodland – river red gum (terrace/valley), floodplain riparian woodland – manna gum (terrace) and floodplain riparian woodland – manna gum (riverbank). It is managed by Banyule's Bushland Management Unit.

The remnant manna gums grow along the Plenty River. Bark from the gums is shed in long ribbons during summer, which gives the tree its other common name, ribbon gum. Manna gums are useful for timber, pulp, honey production and are an important food tree for koalas.

Purple swamp hens, buff-banded rails and eastern snake-necked turtles have been seen using the wetlands.


Common name Scientific name

Australian magpie

Cracticus tibicen

Common ringtail possum

Pseudocheirus peregrinus

Magpie lark

Grallina cyanoleuca

Rainbow lorikeet

Trichoglossus moluccanus

Sulfur-crested cockatoo

Cacatua galerita


Scientific name Common name

Acacia melanoxylon


Acaena novae-zealandiae


Dichondra repens

Kidney weed

Eucalyptus viminalis

Manna gum

Lomandra longifolia

Spiny-headed mat rush

Melicytus dentatus

Tree violet

Themeda triandra

Kangaroo grass


Lakeside Drive, Lower Plenty 3093  View Map

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