Parade terms and conditions


Banyule Council reserves the right to decline a parade registration on the following grounds:

  • the entry is not in keeping with the family-friendly community focus of the event;
  • the entry is inappropriate for the context or may cause offense or upset audiences or other participants;
  • the entry is deemed to be commercial advertising only and does not contribute substantially to the community-focused spectacle of the event.


Your activity/performance must be well presented, environmentally friendly and follow OH&S protocols including the manual handling code of practice.

There will be no props or equipment supplied on the day.

All waste from your registration is your responsibility, and you must take it away for disposal.

Styrofoam and balloons of any type must not be brought on site, including latex, rubber, foil and biodegradable balloons.


Products that can be described as war toys (toys and equipment that promote violent or aggressive behaviour, and/or simulate equipment that is used in this manner, e.g. guns, water pistols, slingshots, swords and knives) are not allowed at events we coordinate. Products that emit projectiles or other small objects are not allowed.

Products that have a risk of trapping, pinching or crushing children are not allowed.

Site behaviour

All of our events are non-smoking.

You will arrive on time and be mindful of road closures prior to and immediately after the Grand Parade. The arrival times stated on this application are final.

No vehicles will be permitted on site outside of these times.

You and your personnel must present and conduct yourselves in an appropriate, cooperative and respectful manner suitable for a family event.

The use of language, images or behaviour considered offensive by members of the community is not acceptable. You and your personnel must comply with direct instructions from festival staff.

You and your personnel must comply with direct instructions from festival staff.

Insurance and responsibility

We reserve the right to request the removal of any display, material or structure posing a risk or hazard. We will not be responsible for any loss or damage to your equipment or supplies left anywhere on the site.


Your practices will be audited. Non-compliance with any of the terms and conditions will result in a default point.

3 default points over a 5 year period will disqualify you from being considered for events for 3 years. If you receive 3 default points at any one event, you will be asked to leave and any future event approvals will be forfeited.