Remove graffiti as soon as possible: it is easier to remove when new, and discourages vandals attacking again.
Removal kit
For more information, or to request a graffiti removal kit, contact us on 9490 4222.
Minimising the likelihood
There are many ways you can minimise the likelihood that your property will be graffitied.
When planning your home or landscaping, try to avoid building large blank walls or fences, as they attract the most graffiti. You can also:
- cover walls and fences in plant fast growing vines or bushes, spiky plants such as bougainvillea
- install sensor lighting
- use darker colours rather than light
- avoid smooth, even surfaces
- where possible, use tinted anti-graffiti coating.
Notifying Victoria Police
Graffiti is illegal, and it is important to report it to police with as much detail as you can.
Keep a record of any damage and cleaning expenses: you may be able to claim them on your insurance.
If you see graffiti happening, call 000 and report the location.
If your property has been graffitied, report it to Police online or call 131 444.