Reporting food poisoning and food recalls

We investigate your complaints about food products and businesses in Banyule. This can include allegations of food poisoning, poor hygiene and handling standards or food that contains foreign objects. If you have concerns regarding any of these issues at food businesses in Banyule, please contact our Health Services Unit on 9457 9965.

Food poisoning

If you suspect you have food poisoning, please contact our office as soon as possible so we can investigate. We will ask you to:

  • keep any leftover food: wrap it and store it in your fridge
  • tell us about your symptoms
  • provide onset time and a 3-day food history
  • provide a faecal sample, if not already taken by your doctor.

Food recalls

If food has been identified as potentially unsafe and posing a risk to consumers, it will be recalled. Our Environmental Health officers contact food businesses that may stock the recalled food to remove it from sale.

Ads are placed in the daily newspapers listing recalled foods, and the action required regarding the recall.

To find out about the latest food recalls go to Food Standards Australia New Zealand: Food recalls.

Find out more about recent food recalls and other useful contacts related to food poisoning, complaints and recalls on 9457 9965.