Community groups and food fundraisers

If your group prepares and sells food to raise money, you need to make sure it is safe for the people buying and eating it.

We can help you understand how to meet the requirements of the Food Standards Code. What you need to do to meet food safety requirements depends on the premises and the food you are proposing to prepare and sell. There are 4 classes of food business: each has different registration and food safety requirements.

Cake stalls

Fundraiser cake stalls are class 4 if they are run by volunteers, and sell baked goods that are covered and do not contain cream fillings. You need to notify us of your stall. If it is operating from a temporary or mobile site, you can apply for a permit through Streatrader.

Sausage sizzles

If your team, club or group run fundraiser sausage sizzles, you need to notify us by contacting our Health Services team on 9457 9965 or

If you are running the sausage sizzle at a temporary venue or event such as a market, we will be notified when you register with Streatrader.

When you get in touch, we will help you to understand your food safety responsibilities. We will ask what you are planning to serve, as offering some items on your menu will change the food safety rules that you must meet.

Selling higher-risk foods

If your community group is planning to make and sell curries, scones with jam and cream, sandwiches with cheese or meat, or any high-risk food, the activity will probably be classified as class 2 premises.

This means that you must have a Food Safety Program: a plan that describes how you will ensure that the food it sells is safe for consumption.

Find out more information, go to health.vic

Temporary or mobile site (Streatrader registration)

If your group is selling food from a food van, stall or trailer at a market, special or major open-air event, fete, street stall or festival, you need to register that activity via Streatrader.

Explore Streatrader

Trading on Council land

You need our permission to set up your fundraiser stall on Council property, for example a footpath.

Contact our Administration Department on 9490 4222 to discuss your plans.

Learning about food safety

To find out more about food safety and handling, try the Do Food Safely online food safety learning program. It’s free and includes 6 topics on food safety and a final quiz. If you score more than 90% on the quiz you are awarded a certificate.