All abilities sport
Some sporting clubs in Banyule provide recreation opportunities for people of all abilities.
This page includes a list of clubs committed to inclusion by offering sport programs for people with disability.
Visit the WaterMarc accessibility and inclusion page for all details to help you plan your time at the centre.
Specialty classes at WaterMarc
All specialty classes are $5 per session for non-members unless specified.
- All abilities aqua: (30 mins) (ff) fun and movement classes in the warm water pool, with simple moves and familiar music
- All abilities dance: (45 mins) (ff) fun, inclusive dance classes designed for everybody, whatever their age and ability
Carers and parents welcome.
Find a class to suit your needs
Immersion therapy at WaterMarc
Immersion therapy is an evidence based allied health service co-designed and tailored to the individual and their goals in three areas:
- Physical Health
- Psychological Health
- Social Health
More details and to book
AAA Play
AAA Play provides sport and recreation referrals for people with disability.
Contact them by calling 1800 222 842 or by email
If you already know what sport you are interested in, ask for the AAA coordinator at a state sporting association.
Join a team
These organisations sport and activities operate with inclusive practices and have access to modified equipment.
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For any questions about specific local services, contact Ryan Batchelder on 9049 3369 or at