Age-friendly city

The Age-friendly Advisory Committee is a community voice that advises us on policy and programs.

Our age-friendly city champions are volunteers who participate in activities that help our community to remain age-friendly.

Strategy and plan

The Banyule Age-friendly Cities Advisory Committee oversee the implementation of the strategy and the action plan.

Our goals for older residents are:

  • opportunities to maintain and improve their health and wellbeing
  • encouragement and opportunities to participate in the community
  • community support and health services: making the right available to meet their needs
  • civic participation and employment: actively involved in the community
  • ageism and respectful inclusion: valued and contributing to their community
  • communication and information: able to easily access information about their community and services
  • housing: have a range of housing options to meet their needs
  • transportation: able to easily move about Banyule to participate in the community and have access to services
  • outdoor spaces and buildings: access to pleasant, safe and healthy environments.

Read the Older Adults Strategic Plan 2017-2021

Action plan

Our Banyule Older Adults Action Plan(PDF, 458KB) outlines specific actions for achieving our goals, as well as identifying our role and partnerships.

City champions

Champions receive free training to better understand age-friendly communities. They participate in projects and help us to identify opportunities and challenges within Banyule.

Monitoring media

Our champions monitor media so we can understand how the media portrays older people. This is important for identifying issues that face older people within the community.

Data analysis

A couple of Age-friendly Champions analyse community data to support Banyule in better understanding the needs of its residents.

Newsletter production

Champions edit and produce our Age in Focus newsletter to reach out to our older adult community. 

Informing strategy and policy

Champions often participate in the development of our strategies and have recently contributed in consultations for the Open Space and Playground Strategy, Travel Safe Plan strategies.

Become an age-friendly champion

Cities network

We are a signatory to the Age friendly Victoria Declaration 2016(PDF, 677KB), a commitment between the Victorian State Government and its signatories to work together to create age-friendly communities. An age-friendly community continually assesses and improves the environmental, social and economic factors that influence the health and wellbeing of older people.

WHO network of age-friendly cities

In October 2014, Banyule joined the World Health Organisation Network of Age-friendly Cities with the vision to be an inclusive and accessible community that promotes actives ageing.

As a result of this membership and exchange of ideas, we established its Age-friendly Banyule Champion program, which gives older residents the opportunity to identify and address issues that improve older people’s connections to their local community.

Contact us

For further information, contact our Health and Aged Services team on 9490 4222.