A total fire ban has been declared across Banyule and all other parts of Victoria for today. No fires can be lit or be allowed to remain alight in the open air at any time on 22 February 2025.
Your child must have an immunisation history statement to enrol in a Victorian primary school.
An immunisation status certificate lists the vaccinations your child has received, and is used to identify and protect children who cannot be vaccinated if there is a disease outbreak at school.
You are sent this statement when your child turns 5, but you can request one at any time.
To access your Immunisation History Statement:
We visit all secondary schools in Banyule to provide free vaccines to all eligible students. Talk to your school about when to expect our visit. We give all secondary schools consent cards for parents to complete and return to the school.
We offer:
For more information go to Department of Health and Human Services: Immune hero.
For more information please contact the Banyule Council Health Department on 9457 9964 or immunisation@banyule.vic.gov.au