
Flooding can happen anywhere in Banyule and can be caused by more than just rain. Even if you do not live near a river or creek, different types of flooding can still happen in your area from other causes. Never walk, play, ride or drive in floodwater.

Flash flooding in Banyule

Banyule is particularly prone to flash flooding, which can happen quickly when heavy rain falls over a short period of time. Events are more likely to occur in the summer months, with little warning, and case lots of damage.

Before: preparing for flooding

If heavy rain is predicted, watch the weather and listen to radio or news bulletins for warnings and alerts.

To prepare yourself, your family and your property:

  • maintain your roof: clean gutters and down pipes and fix loose tiles, roofing iron;
  • trim or remove trees or branches overhanging your home;
  • keep your yard or porch free of clutter;
  • prepare a home emergency plan and kit;
  • check you have adequate home and contents insurance;
  • ensure everyone knows where, how and when to turn off mains power, water and gas in case you evacuate;
  • make sure your house number is visible from the street; and
  • get to know your neighbours, find out who may need extra help.

Prepare a household emergency plan

During: what you can do during a flood

Stay informed: continue to watch the weather and listen to the radio or news bulletins for warnings and alerts.

Take action:

  • bring pets inside and make sure they cannot escape or create havoc indoors;
  • be ready to evacuate if advised by authorities;
  • raise belongings: put them on tables, beds and benches, or move them to higher ground;
  • block toilets, drains and sinks with plugs to stop sewage back-flow;
  • tie down objects that could float and cause damage;
  • raise poisons, oils and chemicals well above floor level;
  • turn electricity and gas off at the mains;
  • wear protective clothing such as strong boots and gloves as flood water is likely to be contaminated; and
  • check and offer support to neighbours and relatives, particularly those with special needs.

After: recovering from flooding

  • For emergency assistance due to flood damage call the SES on 132 500 for help.
  • Contact your insurance company immediately and take photos of damage.
  • Be aware of road hazards, such as floodwater, debris and damaged roads or bridges.
  • Find out about relief and recovery assistance and information from Council on 9490 4222 or visit the VicEmergency website.
  • Throw out food and medicines that were in contact with flood water.
  • Dry out and clean buildings straight away. For advice on reducing mould growth and mosquito breeding, read Department of Health and Human Services's After a flood: mould and your health.
  • Disinfect areas that were contaminated by overflowing sewage. Keep children and pets away until clean-up is completed.
  • Contact family and friends to let them know you are ok.


Radio & TV

ABC 774 AM, 3AW 693 AM, Plenty Valley FM 88.6 FM and Sky News TV.

Visit Emergency Management Victoria for a full list of broadcasters.



Flood Storm Emergency on 132 500.

Contact us

If you need more information about your emergency plan, please contact our Emergency Management Team on 9490 4222 or enquiries@banyule.vic.gov.au