Multicultural plan
Our residents come from over 140 countries, and speak around 120 different languages at home. We are committed to servicing the needs of our increasingly diverse population.
Cultural diversity: the right to participate
Cultural diversity promotes the shared values and benefits of our diverse backgrounds and cultural heritage. It provides all individuals with a right to be included and participate in our community life.
Our role is to provide opportunities for everyone in our community to achieve maximum health and well being, as per the requirements of the Public Health and Wellbeing Act 2008.
We acknowledges that the well being of certain groups, including our Culturally and Linguistically Diverse (CALD) communities require a greater level of attention.
What’s in the plan?
The plan includes strategies that address the barriers faced by our CALD communities. It fosters opportunities for participation and involvement. These strategies bring together all of our cultures with respect and acceptance. It requires the participation of everyone to succeed.
Read the Multicultural Plan 2017–2021