Multicultural communities

We are proud of our diverse, multicultural community: comprising many cultures, beliefs, abilities, bodies, sexualities, ages and genders. We are committed to access, equity and rights for everyone.

Our Inclusive Banyule Plan 2022-2026 acknowledges that multicultural communities face higher levels of discrimination than others, and that we play a role in promoting inclusivity and diversity.

Navigating services

Our Service Navigation and Information Program is a free service to connect local residents with the community support you need.

Get help with community services

Help in your language

If you need to talk to us in your language, call the Translating and Interpreting Service (TIS National) and ask to be connected to Banyule Council on 9490 4222.

Call TIS on 131 450

There is a wide range of topics we can assist you on, including information on events, libraries, recreation centres, parks and sporting grounds.

We also offer help for local businesses and the services we offer for children and older adults.

Report discrimination

The Victorian Equal Opportunity and Human Rights Commission protects fair treatment for all Victorians. You can submit an incident report or lodge a formal complaint.

Similarly, the Human Rights Commission investigates public complaints of discrimination and breaches of human rights.

The Islamophobia Register Australia allows you to report incidents. You can also submit an incident report to the Islamic Council of Victoria.

eSafety addresses online abuse and illegal content.

Our commitment

We recognise the contribution refugees make to Australian society. We became a Refugee Welcome Zone as part of the Refugee Council of Australia's initiative in 2014. This is a public commitment to uphold human rights and enhance cultural and religious diversity.

We are part of the Welcoming Cities network, a group of cities, towns and councils that work to include everyone in community life, work and culture.

We are also part of the Local Government Mayoral Taskforce, a collection of councils that advocate for the rights of people seeking asylum in Australia.

We are serious about providing you opportunities to participate in social, economic and civic life. This also includes times to celebrate.

Days of significance we celebrate

These are the days we have identified and observe based on our community.

  • Luna New Year
  • Ramadan
  • Zero Discrimination Day
  • Holi
  • Harmony Week
  • Eid-al-Fitr
  • Orthodox Easter
  • Vesak
  • Eid-al Adha
  • World Yoga Day
  • Diwali
  • Human Rights Day


If you have any questions or need additional help, contact Lisa King, Community & Social Planner on 9098 8011 or at